Box vs SugarSync

June 28, 2021

Box vs SugarSync: Which One Fits Your Storage Needs?

Are you looking for a cloud storage service? Two of the most popular options are Box and SugarSync. But which one is the best for your needs? Well, we’ve dived into the key features and compared the numbers so that you don’t have to. So, let’s get started with our unbiased comparison, shall we?


Pricing is often the first deciding factor when it comes to choosing a cloud storage service. Box offers a range of pricing plans, starting from a free personal account with 10 GB of storage. Additional personal plans include the Starter, Business, Business Plus, and Enterprise plans, with storage options ranging from 100 GB to unlimited. Box also offers custom plans for larger enterprises.

On the other hand, SugarSync offers a 30-day free trial, followed by personal plans with storage options ranging from 100 GB to 1 TB. The pricing for businesses starts with three user plans, followed by more extensive options that offer unlimited storage capacity.

Overall, depending on your specific storage needs, one option may be more affordable than the other. It's essential to look at the pricing options available and see which varies fit your budget.

Storage Options

Box and SugarSync offer different storage options, meaning that the amount of storage available to you depends on the pricing plan you choose. As mentioned earlier, Box offers a free plan with 10 GB of storage with upgrades available, while SugarSync's personal plans start at 100 GB.

Both services also offer team business plans where you can add team members and share files. Box offers unlimited storage options for its business and enterprise-level plans. At the same time, SugarSync has a cap of 1 TB of storage for its top-tier business plans.


When it comes to features, Box and SugarSync share some similarities, such as synchronizing files across devices, sharing files with others, and apps for iOS and Android devices. However, Box also offers other features, such as Box Notes, which allows users to collaborate in real-time with a team.

SugarSync stands out with a unique feature: the ability to backup and sync any folder on your computer, not just the files that are placed in a designated SugarSync folder. This feature can be helpful when you want to backup valuable data that is scattered around your computer.


Both Box and SugarSync offer great cloud storage options, but which one is better? In general, Box is better suited for teams and large organizations that need a significant amount of storage. At the same time, SugarSync is perfect for individuals and small businesses that want an affordable and straightforward cloud storage option.


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